- The normal user's guide to using Linux Introduction
- Open Source Software -- a necessary tool to build our movements We use software constantly: on our phones, on our computers, in cars,televisions and other devices we use daily. The way software is made,however, remains foreign to most people. Many academics have tried torebrand the work done by designers and coders of software as “knowledgework” in an effort to set it apart from other types of work. Theknowledge work is separated simply because the end product is intangibleand the workplace is more geographically amorphous. Make no mistake,those hordes of coders and developers typing away at their computers areworkers just as much as the auto assembly line worker or the steel plantworker, and their conditions are just as oppressive.
- Celebrating 30 years of GNU and Free Software Our world is steeped in technology and proprietary knowledge whichintersects with ever expanding parts of our lives. Much of thistechnology and knowledge is protected by copyrights and patents thatbestow unfair monopoly rent powers to capitalists and underminecommunity and innovation.
- Technology Transition in (Progressive) Organizations
- Copyright and Social Justice Organizations Raising Consciousness on Copyright Issues
- Politics and Software Politics of Software Development and Implementation